LiveMint article about Brahmin Bulls

 In News, Press

Brahmin Bulls 2--330x220

It begins with a cat being let out of a box, and by the time the cat has crawled back into it, a father has reconnected with his estranged son, met up with an old flame, and come face to face with mortality.

The adorable feline plays a small but significant part in American film-maker Mahesh Pailoor’s directorial debut Brahmin Bulls, which is showing at the Mumbai Film Festival. The cat belongs to Sendhil Ramamurthy’s character Sidharth, a troubled architect whose life is a mess. He is estranged from his wife, hasn’t spoken to his widower father (played by Roshan Seth) in years, and wants to have nothing to do with the cat, which belongs to his wife, despite being advised by a friend that the pet can be used as a bargaining chip.

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